Tips for Healers

I do not know about the journey of others but there were several situations in my personal life that I knew could change with a bit of healing but somehow:
Either I was unable to kick start the healing process or the desired results did not manifest and at times the situation actually became worse whenever I could do a bit of healing.
Mind you this was not for all the situations in my life but a few which were personally very close to me. This, as anyone can imagine, was a bit frustrating and did create plenty of doubts, not to mention a great deal of turmoil and heartburn. The ego took a huge beating and I sure was a desperate Reiki Grandmaster searching for resolution and peace within. It was about then that the knowledge (that I am sharing in these posts) started coming my way and turned things around in my life.

Three Healing Situations plus One More

In this post, I wish to share the stories of three healing situations that were encountered recently. There are some lessons that can be learned from these experiences. I sure have learnt mine.